
Digital Experience Analysis: Time is the Enemy

August 27, 2018 By: Zoe McCook

Your best customer has just sent an email to customer service complaining about an issue they experienced while on your site, ultimately preventing them from purchasing an item or booking a trip. Perhaps they included screenshots of the error (if you’re lucky) or maybe they simply describe the roadblock they encountered. Either way, you know that they are unhappy, you lost a sale, and there is a problem that needs fixing.

In typical fashion, a ticket gets created and your web/IT team is tasked with reproducing the issue in order to understand and resolve the bug. In a perfect world, the team immediately can pinpoint the error and you can rest assured that it won’t affect any other potential customers. But what about when they come back and say, “we can’t replicate the problem”? How do you know if this was just a one-time blip or a much larger issue that is affecting multitudes of customers and costing you significant revenue?

The longer it takes for you to understand the scope of the issue, find the source, and ultimately fix it, the more money it is potentially costing you.

We have had countless of our own customers admit that they had been unable to reproduce issues in the past and that the time it was taking to find and fix them was costing millions of dollars. But after deploying Quantum Metric, they were able to utilize our advanced digital experience analysis and session replay to highlight and replicate previously unknown errors. You may be asking, but how?

Session Replay: What exactly did the customer experience?

With pixel-perfect session replay, Quantum Metric can help you see exactly what the customer experienced when they encountered the error. The precise digital experience analytics can be shared with your IT team, along with user details like browser and OS, so that they can understand the steps and context behind producing the error—vastly reducing the time to identifying the source of the problem.

Additionally, if your customer calls in to your customer service center, your customer service representative can look up the individual’s session replay in real-time to gain all the details necessary to provide a better service experience and potentially actively resolve the problem over the phone.

Aggregate Analytics: What is the scope of the problem?

Now that you know where the customer struggled, how do you know if this is a global issue affecting many or just a one-time client-side error? By reviewing the aggregate analysis in Quantum Metric, you can better understand the greater impact of the issue and how much it is costing you in dollar amount. What if your team was about to write-off an issue that they could not replicate but it was in fact costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars?!

Quantum Metric’s Digital Experience Analytics Hub can help you surface issues, replicate customer struggle, and quickly fix the error to reclaim lost revenue and reduce costs associate with time spent on searching for the problem to begin with.

In fact, Forrester found that Quantum Metric drives an average of $6.7 million dollars of profit gained due to improved time to identify and resolve UX issues for our clients. Don’t let time be your enemy–find out how you can reduce your time to find and fix issues today.

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